National type approval

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Type approval is a national system for assessment and verification of the compliance of construction products with requirements in the Swedish building regulations. Approval may only be granted if the product is not covered by a harmonized standard or an ETA, European Technical Assessment.

Type approval

The national type approval signals that the product has been assessed with respect to the most relevant sections of the national building regulations for the intended use of that product. The type approval assessment is therefore limited to specific sections of the regulations, and refers to those. The reference can be to sections in the BBR, Boverket's Building Regulations, and/or paragraphs in the EKS, the mandatory provisions and general guidance on the application of European construction standards (Eurocodes). You can read more about assessed characteristics in BBR section 1:4 - 1:42, and in EKS chapter A, 4-6 §§.

Gradually replaced by CE-marking

The type approval is usually valid for five years, but may expire sooner if an applicable harmonized standard is cited in the Official Journal. Harmonized standards have a co-existence period when cited, and the legal validity of a type approval expires by the end of this period even though the type approval certificate indicates a later date. The possibility and validity of approvals will therefore disappear at the rate that the new harmonized standards for construction products are cited.

Type approval is regulated in chapter 8, 22-23 §§ Planning and Building Act (2010: 900) and in Boverket's regulations and general recommendations for type approval (TYP, BFS 2013: 6, reprint).

Type approval bodies

There are two Swedish bodies that are accredited by SWEDAC to issue type approvals. Please contact either of them if you have any further questions about type approval of construction products.



Brinellgatan 4, Box 857,501 15 BORÅS, SWEDEN, +4610-516 50 00


Kiwa Sverige

Campus Gräsvik 1, 371 75 KARLSKRONA, SWEDEN, +46455-30 56 00

Kiwa Sverige

Products that are not covered by a harmonized standard or an ETA

According to the Swedish Planning and Building Act, only construction products that are suitable for their intended use, can be installed in a building or a civil engineering works. A construction product is deemed to be suitable if it will contribute to the fulfilment of the national requirements on works. Since it is the client/developer who is responsible for the compliance of the works, this also includes responsibility for choosing the adequate products.

For that purpose it is important that manufacturers and distributors provide information on product properties, installation instructions, and safety instructions if relevant, in a language that is understood by Swedish users.

Construction products that are lawfully marketed in another EU/EEA country can be lawfully marketed also in Sweden. However, even if a construction product is deemed to be suitable in another country, this will not automatically ensure its´ suitability for the intended use, also in Sweden.


Boverket (2022). National type approval. Fetched 2025-01-19