Running a business

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There is extensive support available for setting up a business in Sweden. is a comprehensive government agency portal for anyone who is considering starting, in the process of starting or currently running and developing a company in Sweden.

On the Swedish Tax Agency, Swedish Companies Registration Office, the Swedish Public Employment Service and the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth have worked together to gather information and e-services that aid and facilitate the running and starting of companies. 

About Verksamt on Verksamt´s website

Setting up

Have you decided to start a business? This information will help you get started. Compare different company forms, choose a company name and register your company. 

Information about setting up a business, on Verksamt´s website

Taxes and contributions

On these pages you can read about how taxes, fees and VAT work. You can also read more about how you report the results for your company. 

Information about taxes and contributions, on Verksamt´s website

Employees and recruitment

Information for you who have employees. For example, work environment, sick leave and how you can develop your staff. 

Information about employees and recruitment, on Verksamt´s website

Professional qualifications

Your Europe

The European Union website Your Europe provides information on recognition of  professional qualifications throughout the EU. 

Professional qualifications on Your Europe`s website

The Swedish Tax Agency

Electronic staff registers on construction sites

Electronic staff registers are a mandatory requirement for all construction sites in Sweden. The staff register must list all people working at a building site and when they enter or exit the site.

Electronic staff registers on the Swedish Tax Agency´s website
Boverket (2023). Running a business. Fetched 2025-02-09