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A landlord rents out a home or commercial premises. The landlord can be a person or a company. The landlord can be, but is not necessarily, the owner the property.

The landlord is responsible for the management of the property. In some cases, the landlord is represented by a property manager.

Anyone who rents a home or commercial premises and in turn sublets it becomes the landlord in relationship to the subletting tenant.

The rent can be set by the landlord through various systems, such as systematic setting of rent and new production rents.

Systematic setting of rent is a rent setting model where each apartment is assessed and assigned points based on the tenants' rating. It is the tenants' rating of modernity, standard, location, management quality, etc. that shall be reflected in the setting of rents and affect the rent in each individual apartment.

New production rents are higher than rents for equivalent rental apartments where the rent is already negotiated. The basis for this type of rent setting is that the landlord wishes to cover the production costs for new rental apartments - which is a major difference compared to systematic setting of rent where consideration is given to other factors.

Conflicts may arise between a landlord and a tenant. This may, for example, involve a landlord demanding compensation for damage to the apartment or a tenant believing the lease was cancelled on vague or incorrect grounds. The relationship between the landlord and tenant is regulated in the Tenancy Act (Chapter 12 of the Land Code). Conflicts that cannot be resolved between the parties can become matters for the regional rent tribunal.

There area regional rent tribunals in several cities in Sweden and they are a part of Sweden's judiciary. The regional rent tribunal's task is to mediate in disputes that concern housing and commercial premises. If the mediation does not succeed, the regional rent tribunal can make decisions in certain matters. The disputes that the regional rent tribunal cannot decide are instead subject to review in the public courts.

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Boverket (2024). Landlord. Fetched 2025-02-09