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For works where building permit is required production may begin only after the municipality has given a starting clearance. Other permission may be required, for example all larger construction projects must be reported to the Swedish Work Environment Authority before work begins. 

During the production phase, the contractor carries out the assignments procured by the client in accordance with the agreement and the building code.

The production phase is concluded with final inspections, a final consultation/final clearance with the municipality and a handover of the completed works to the client.

There are several factors that determine what steps need to be taken before production may begin. For example, the municipality must have issued a starting clearance. But other permits and registrations may also be required, for example from the Swedish Work Environment Authority or the county administrative board.

Once a starting clearance has been obtained, the measures covered by the building permit may begin. At least once during the production, the local building committee shall visit the work site.

An inspection manager represents the developer and has the task of ensuring that the project meets the requirements in the planning and building legislation. Among other things, the inspection manger shall help the developer prepare a proposal for the inspection plan. The inspection manager shall also ensure that the inspection plan is followed and shall be present at the technical consultation, inspections and other inspections of the work site.

Normally, the local building committee holds a final consultation when the production is completed. The local building committee also assesses if they will be able to issue a final clearance.

The developer normally convenes the final inspection at the end of the agreement period or when the production has been completed. It provides an objective basis for determining if the contract work shall be considered completed whereby the contract is approved. Upon an approved final inspection, the contract period ends and the responsibility for the building is transferred from the contractor to the developer and the guarantee period begins.

The local building committee provides a final clearance once the developer has shown that all requirements are met. Only then may the building be brought into use.

Further information

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Boverket (2024). Production. Fetched 2025-02-14