Standard agreements

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There are several standard agreements within the building and construction sector. They aim to facilitate contract preparation between clients, contractors, consultants and other suppliers.

General Conditions of Contract for contracts and consulting assignments

General Conditions of Contract (Allmänna bestämmelser, AB) are the standard agreements in the construction sector. They are jointly negotiated by industry participants.

How to find standard agreements

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AB 04

AB 04 is used for building, civil engineering and installation contracts. AB 04 is intended to be used in so-called construction contracts, i.e. contracts where the client provides the project design.

Search for "AB 04 in English" in your browser.

ABT 06

ABT 06 is used for design-build contracts for building, civil engineering and installation work, meaning contracts where the contractor, in addition to the actual construction, shall also prepare all or a substantial part of the project design.

Search for "ABT 06 in English" in your browser.

AB-U 07/ABT-U 07

AB-U 07 is intended to be used in agreements between the general contractor and subcontractors where AB 04 is used in agreements between the developer/client and the general contractor.

ABT-U 07 is intended to be used in agreements between the design-build contractor and design-build subcontractors where ABT 06 is used in agreements between the developer/client and the design-build contractor.

Only available in Swedish. Search for "AB-U 07" or "ABT-U 07" in your browser.

ABK 09

ABK 09 comprises general conditions of contract for consulting assignments in architectural and engineering assignments. ABK 09 can be used in all technical areas from the initial phase at the concept stage to final detailed project design during the implementation phase. The conditions are drafted and adopted by the trade association Construction Contracts Committee, Byggandets Kontraktskommitté.

Search for "ABK 09 in English" in your browser.

ABM 07

The Construction Contracts Committee (Byggandets Kontraktskommitté, BKK) and the industry organisation for construction materials, Byggmaterialindustrierna, have jointly drafted ABM 07 for the purchase of goods for professional building activities.

Search for "ABM 07 in English" in your browser.

ABS 18

ABS 18 is used in a contractual relationship where a commercial operator builds a new single-family home or builds an addition to a single-family home for a private person. ABS 18 applies together with the Consumer Services Act if the parties refer to the standard agreement.

Only available in Swedish. Search for "ABS 18" in your browser.

Hantverkarformuläret 14

Hantverkarformuläret 14 provides agreements for repairs and conversions (ROT) for private individuals, although not single-family home contracts. It applies with the associated General Conditions of Contract.

Only available in Swedish. Search for "Hantverkarformularet 14" in your browser.


Boverket (2024). Standard agreements. Fetched 2025-02-09