Lantmäteriet manages all property information

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The Swedish Cadastral and Land Registration Authority, Lantmäteriet, is the authority that manages all information on properties in Sweden. Lantmäteriet also takes care of all map information in the country.

Lantmäteriet has two major tasks: map-related information and property-related information. The authority manages and updates geographical information, maps of individual properties, elevations and other data that is linked to maps. The information is continuously updated to show the right owner of land and correct property boundaries.

Lantmäteriet also manages all property information in Sweden. This encompasses all registrations of ownership and changes to property boundaries. Individuals and companies that wish to change their property's boundaries or wish to buy or sell land organise this through Lantmäteriet.

Examples of times when Lantmäteriet shall be contacted:

  • with a change in ownership of a property (acquisition, gift)
  • when applying for registration of title deeds
  • when handling mortgage bonds and mortgages in properties
  • when applying for a change to property boundaries
  • for ordering maps and geographical information.
Boverket (2024). Lantmäteriet. Fetched 2025-02-09