

ab 04
Standard agreement used for building, civil engineering and installation contracts.
abt 06
Standard agreement used for design-build contracts for building, civil engineering and installation work.
ab-u 07
Standard agreement intended to be used in agreements between the general contractor and subcontractors where AB 04 is used in agreements between the developer/client and the general contractor.
abt-u 07
Standard agreement intended to be used in agreements between the design-build contractor and design-build subcontractors where ABT 06 is used in agreements between the developer/client and the design-build contractor.
abk 09
Comprises general conditions of contract for consulting assignments in architectural and engineering activities.
abm 07
Standard agreement for the purchase of goods for professional building activities.
abs 09
Standard agreement used in a contractual relationship where a commercial operator builds a new single-family home or builds an addition to a single-family home for a private person.
ama (building, plumbing & hvac, electricity, civil engineering)
Provides a reference material that is used to make technical descriptions and to interpret the description when work is to be done.
ama af
An industry standard that is used as a basis in the establishment of administrative instructions (AF) for contracts.


building regulations
BBR consists of mandatory provisions that you have to fulfill and general recommendations that state how you may fulfill the mandatory provisions.
building permit
Written permission provided by the municipality´s building committee for building, modifying, demolishing, or changing use of buildings or structures on a property.
building consultation
Meeting to establish for example an inspection plan. The municipality´s building committee calls for this meeting when you have made a building application.
building contractor
Someone that performs a building contract.


code of statues
Boverket's constitution
cooperative rental right
A cooperative rental right can be said to be something in between a rental right and tenant-owner right. An association owns – or rents – a property and association members rent their apartments from the association.


The developer is the party that, on its own behalf, performs or contracts out project design, construction, demolition or ground works.
detailed development plan
A plan over a limited part of the municipality that indicate the location, layout and purpose of the building, as well as the use of land and water.


energy performance certificate
An energy performance certificate provides information on the building's energy consumption.


Försäkringskassan is the authority in Sweden that decides on and pays the compensation that is included in social insurance.


general conditions
Standard agreements within the building and construction sector.
general contract
The client procures one contractor that becomes the general contractor. The general contractor in turn procures the subcontractors needed for the construction project and signs agreements with them. The subcontractors become parallel contractors to each other.


hantverkarformuläret 14
Provides agreements for repairs and conversions (ROT) for private individuals.


invitation to tender
A tender request (quotation request) is an oral or written request addressed to the tenderer containing a request for a tenderer to submit a tender.
At the final inspection the inspector determines if the contract has been carried out according to the agreements made or if there have been deviations.
industry standards
Help create procedures for how to work in a certain industry.
inspection manager
The inspection manager shall assist the developer with expert knowledge and must be certified for the assignment.


liability inspection
A type of property inspection aimed at establishing responsibility for detected defects.
local building committee
Every municipality must have a local building committee that decides on permits, preliminary decisions, start decisions and completion decisions, and handles the other phases in the building process.


municipal land designation
An agreement between a municipality and a developer that gives the developer the sole right, for a defined period and with defined conditions, to negotiate with the municipality on transferring or granting an area of municipal land for development.


occupational health and safety plan
An occupational health and safety plan should contain the rules to be applied at the construction site, a description of how the work environment management shall be organised and a description of the work environment measures that should be taken during the construction phase, so that the work environment will be good.
ownership right
Mean that one owns the home.


public housing
The municipal housing companies
property owner
Owners of structures have a responsibility to care for and maintain the structure so that the design and technical features in particular are preserved.
planning fee
Planning fees are charged to cover costs that have arisen in the preparation of the detailed development plan and area regulations.


real property
All land in Sweden is subdivided into real property units. A real property has either horizontal or horizontal and vertical boundaries. Buildings, forest, water and more can belong to a real property.
registration of title, conveyance
The Registration of title is a proof of who owns the property and is being sought at the land register at Lantmäteriet.


swedish work environmental act
In the Work Environment Act, there are regulations about the obligations of employers and others responsible for safety, to prevent ill health and accidents at work. There are also regulations about the cooperation between employer and employee, for example rules about the activities of the safety representative.
swedish work environment authority
The Swedish Work Environment Authority is an authority that has the mandate from the Government and the Swedish Parliament to see that laws about work environment and working hours are followed by companies and organisations.
shared construction
The client signs contracts with several contractors. Each contractor is in direct contractual relationship with the client.
The inspection that the developer is responsible for according to the inspection plan decided by the local building committee. In addition to the items in the inspection plan, the developer can contract that the contractor performs additional self-inspections.
swedish environmental code
The Environmental Code is partly a framework act. Several other acts are connected to the Environmental Code, including the Planning and Building Act, the Aviation Act, the Roads Act/Railway Act and the Forestry Act.


A tenderer is a company that submits a tender in public procurement or other tendering procedure.
An owner of a tenant-owned apartment is a member of a tenant-owner association, which owns a real property unit with apartments where each member has his or her own apartment.
the swedish national board of housing, building and planning.
Boverket – the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning – is a central government authority assorted under the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation
type of contract
Agreement on the responsibility for the project planning between the developer or the client and the contractors, as well as how the responsibility for the construction work is shared between the parties involved.
the swedish cadastral and land registration authority, lantmäteriet
Lantmäteriet manages and updates geographical information, maps of for example properties. Lantmäteriet also manages all property information.
the country administrative board
It is mainly the local county administrative board that represents and safeguards the state´s interests in the various processes of the Planning and Building Act.


working environment
The working environment covers all conditions in a workplace; social, organisational and physical conditions.
Boverket (2024). Glossary. Fetched 2025-02-14